Monday 30 November 2009

Calling Scala Object Fields from Java

It's pretty easy to call anything in Java from Scala but sometimes it can be hard to go the other way round.

I work on a large codebase that contains both Java and Scala. All new development is done in Scala but sometimes we need to update a Java class by calling some Scala code. In most cases this is easy but sometimes I run into problems.

Say you have a Scala object like so:

object JavaCallingScalaTest {
val Constant = "Constant"
and you want to use the 'Constant' field in a Java file. You would do this like so:

public class JavaCallingScalaTestJavaFile {
private static final String CONSTANT = JavaCallingScalaTest$.MODULE$.Constant();
Now lets say the Scala field is a map like so:

object JavaCallingScalaTest {
val IntToString = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two")
and you want to extract some information out of the map in Java, you would do something like this:

public class JavaCallingScalaTestJavaFile {
private static final String TEXT_FOR_TWO = JavaCallingScalaTest$.MODULE$.IntToString().apply(2);

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